
Zachary Palm, Consultant

Mr. Palm joined Illingworth & Rodkin, Inc in 2021. He is a meteorologist that performs air quality and greenhouse gas assessments that include emissions estimation, dispersion modeling and health risk assessments. He brings over 7 years of experience that includes air quality analyses, air emissions quantifications, and Clean Air Act Title V and non-Title V permit modifications. During his career, Zachary has performed air quality analyses and emissions modeling in various states across different regions of the country. He began his career with ClimeCo Corporation working as an environmental market analyst, conducting emissions inventories, permit modification applications, and monitoring permit reporting requirements in various subparts of the EPA’s Clean Air Act. He then spent several years working on air emissions and dispersion modeling projects throughout various states. These projects included the modeling of criteria pollutants, hazardous air pollutants, and toxic air pollutants as defined at the federal, state, or county level using modeling tools including AERMOD, WRPLOT View, TANKS, CalEEMod, and AERSCREEN.

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