

The Illingworth & Rodkin team of expert acoustical engineering and air quality management consultants is dedicated to providing clients with quality service since 1987.


Illingworth & Rodkin conducts a wide variety of environmental noise and vibration studies including local transportation projects, residential, industrial, recreation, and commercial noise and vibration impact assessments. To assess environmental noise and vibration impacts, we perform field investigations, develop and analyze data, and utilize noise modeling techniques. We evaluate noise impacts and mitigation by applying methodology and criteria recommended by state, local, and federal agencies, including local jurisdictions, State DOTs, Federal Highway Administration (FHWA), and the Federal Transit Administration (FTA). We also interpret local noise elements and ordinances to establish noise significance thresholds under CEQA, prepare technical reports, and make recommendations for clients.

Available Services

  • Federal and State required Environmental Impact Studies (EIS/EIR/IS/EA)
  • Noise and vibration assessments for transportation, residential, commercial, industrial, energy, recreational and construction projects
  • Noise impact studies including development of noise mitigation in accordance with Federal and State guidelines and standards
  • Noise Study Report (NSR) analysis and documentation
  • Noise Ordinance compliance
  • Long and short term noise monitoring
  • Design of noise barriers and enclosures and development of alternative noise reduction methods


Illingworth & Rodkin has conducted numerous noise, air quality, and greenhouse gas emission studies for highway transportation projects, ranging from small intersection or ramp improvement projects to the construction of new highways to highway expansion projects stretching as far as 36 miles in length. For noise studies, we conduct field investigations, develop traffic noise models using the Federal Highway Administration approved traffic noise model (TNM), assess impact abatement/mitigation, and prepare noise study reports in accordance with the State DOT and local traffic noise analysis protocols. Additionally, we are able to aid with the selection of pavement for purposes of noise reduction. For air quality and greenhouse gas studies, we establish existing air quality conditions, identify regional air quality impacts, analyze CO Hot Spots, assess project GHG emissions and mobile source air toxics, and address construction air quality impacts.

Available Services

  • Baseline noise and vibration measurements
  • Environmental noise, air quality, and GHG assessments
  • Noise, Air Quality, and GHG Reports (NSR) analysis and documentation
  • Traffic noise and air quality modeling of existing and design alternatives
  • Calculation of future noise levels based on traffic volume predictions
  • Traffic noise contour mapping with 3-Dimensional capabilities
  • Pavement selection for purpose of noise reduction
  • Noise barrier and sound insulation design
  • Traffic noise monitoring using wayside (CTIM, CPB, SPB) and onboard sound intensity (OBSI) measurement methods


Illingworth & Rodkin assists architects, engineers and other building professional in the architectural design and implementation of airborne sound and impact noise isolation between interior spaces of separate use/occupancy in new and existing residential, commercial, and industrial projects. We assess exterior wall and window construction components and assist our clients to develop sound isolation for building envelopes needed to achieve Building Code and/or HUD requirements for interior noise levels attributable to exterior or interior noise sources.  We also analyze architectural acoustics and advise our clients on room design and acoustical material selection and placement to improve interior room acoustics for spaces such as offices, churches, school auditoriums & gymnasiums, winery tasting rooms, restaurants, multi-use facilities, and community centers.

Available Services

  • Interior airborne Sound Transmission Class (STC) sound isolation design and review
  • Interior Structureborne Impact Insulation Class (IIC) sound isolation design and review
  • Exterior to interior noise and vibration reduction within buildings
  • Acoustical assessments to meet Building Code and/or HUD requirements
  • Room acoustics design and retrofit solutions
  • Reverberation time measurements and modeling
  • As-built field sound transmission and impact insulation measurements
  • Vibration measurements and analysis of building structures and mechanical equipment
  • Heating, Ventilation, &Air Conditioning (HVAC) system noise reduction/isolation design and review
  • Interior noise measurements of HVAC systems and other mechanical equipment


With each new innovation in machine technology comes a new set of noises that are often very loud and can be intermittent or tonal in nature. Illingworth & Rodkin evaluates existing and/or proposed on-site equipment to provide solutions for a variety of industrial noise and vibration problems. Our goal is to protect your facility, personnel, and neighbors from noise and vibration levels that create an incompatible work or living environment, so you can focus on the industry that has made your company great. Markets served include energy generation, food processing, medical, manufacturing, lumber yards, material processing, petrochemical, waste treatment, landfill, and recycling.

Available Services

  • Equipment noise and vibration characterization
  • Noise and vibration surveys
  • Facility planning
  • Noise and vibration criteria development
  • Environmental impact studies
  • Development and evaluation of alternative options
  • Design of noise and vibration control treatments

Air Quality

Illingworth & Rodkin provides air quality analysis, greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions studies, and health risk assessments on a wide variety of projects, such as wastewater treatment facilities, waste management facilities, quarries, industrial facilities, highways and roadways, freight hauling and commuter rail, mixed-use residential and transit-oriented development, schools, construction, office uses and more. Illingworth & Rodkin’s in-depth approach to complex and dynamic modeling scenarios and conveying highly technical concepts to the public reader has made us an industry leader. Since the firm’s founding in 1987, our consultants have worked with federal, state, and local agencies, as well as private clients to develop viable and defensible air quality, GHG, and health risk reduction strategies and mitigation.

Environmental Projects

  • Federal & state environmental assessments (NEPA/CEQA)
  • Health risk assessments
  • Transportation projects
  • Proposed land use developments
  • Control plans and ordinances
  • Clean Air Plan consistency appraisals
  • Qualified GHG Reduction Strategy consistency evaluations
  • Conformity determinations
  • Peer research reviews
  • Meteorological data analysis

Computer Modeling

  • Air pollutant and GHG emissions estimation using CalEEMod, EMFAC, MOVES, AP-42
  • Traffic and construction dispersion modeling using CALINE4, CAL3QHC, AERMOD
  • Stationary air pollution source modeling using EPA-approved models (e.g., AERSCREEN, ISCST3, AERMOD)
  • Meteorological data analysis


Illingworth & Rodkin has assembled some of the world’s best experts in marine acoustics and effects of sound on marine life. We have been studying underwater sounds from marine construction activities since 2000. Our team of experienced consultants has worked collaboratively with national and regional regulatory agencies to study the impact of industrial noise on underwater ecosystems. The results of I&R’s extensive evaluation of industrial noise on natural marine acoustics has led to a better understanding of the impact of manmade sound on underwater environments. In doing so, your aquatic project management team can establish marine mammal safety zones around your build site to minimize or even prevent the harsh environmental effects of underwater construction.

Markets Served

  • Marine construction
  • Blasting/Demolition

Available Services

  • Underwater noise measurements
  • Acoustical signal analysis
  • Permit assistance
  • Expert testimony

Quieter Pavement

Illingworth & Rodkin has been an industry leader in developing innovative techniques with which to quantify and assess the noise performance of pavement surfaces. We conduct baseline measurements using on-board and wayside measurement methods and provide results and analysis to clients for documentation of existing pavement surfaces. We also advise clients on future pavement selection for the purposes of noise reduction.

Available Services

  • Wayside traffic noise monitoring using CTIM and/or SIP measurement methods
  • Tire-pavement at the source measurements using onboard sound intensity (OBSI) measurement methods
  • Evaluation and documentation of noise performance of pavement surfaces
  • Assistance in pavement selection for noise reduction


Illingworth & Rodkin assesses noise and vibration levels from construction and rehabilitation projects at noise sensitive human or wildlife locations. We utilize a combination of field observations, airborne and underwater noise and vibration monitoring of existing levels, and airborne noise modeling of construction activities using SoundPLAN or the Federal Highway Administration Construction Noise Model (RCNM) to predict noise and vibration levels from pile driving and other major noise generating construction activities at noise sensitive locations. We also prepare technical noise documents addressing concerns and questions raised about potential project effects on noise sensitive human occupancy areas and/or sensitive wildlife habitat and species.

Available Services

  • Federal and State required Environmental Impact Studies (EIS/EIR/IS/EA)
  • Noise and vibration monitoring surveys and documentation of baseline conditions
  • Underwater noise measurements
  • Construction noise mapping with 3-Dimentional capabilities
  • Noise impact studies including development of noise mitigation in accordance with Federal and State guidelines and standards
  • Development of noise reduction methods and mitigation


Illingworth & Rodkin provides consultation to planning entities in the design and placement of noise sensitive and noise generating uses. We prepare background noise studies, general plan noise elements, and related noise sections and provide expert consultation in the development of noise element and ordinance policies. We conduct noise-monitoring surveys to document existing baseline conditions, calculate future traffic noise contours based on traffic volume predictions, and prepare technical noise reports. Noise levels generated by commercial, industrial, and other noise sources are calculated based on information obtained on the specification, operation, and location of the noise source. We also have the capacity to generate noise contour maps using SoundPLAN, which can be input directly into a jurisdiction’s GIS database. We also develop new and revise existing noise element and ordinance policies and prepare noise sections.

Available Services

  • General Plan updates
  • Noise monitoring surveys and documentation of baseline conditions
  • Community noise contour mapping with 3-Dimensional capabilities
  • Development or revisal of noise policies, guidelines and ordinances
  • Community noise control planning and ordinances
  • Layout and building orientation recommendations for separation of noise generating and noise sensitive areas


Measurement of existing conditions is often the starting point of any project and having the proper equipment is only the beginning of conducting a useful and successful measurement survey. At Illingworth & Rodkin, we have the expertise to develop and implement our measurement strategies around the needs of the project. Our staff is well-trained in the measurement of airborne and underwater noise, groundborne vibration, and air quality.

Equipment & Instrumentation

  • Type I sound level meters
  • 2-channel real time analysis
  • 4 & 5-channel measurement systems
  • Full range of hydrophones & accelerometers
  • Complete On-Board Sound Intensity systems
  • Air quality monitoring equipment

Available Services

  • Environmental noise & vibration monitoring
  • Highway and tire/pavement noise measurements
  • Underwater pile driving monitoring
  • Transmission loss and room acoustics measurements
  • Air quality surveys


Different problems require different approaches to finding successful solutions. Illingworth & Rodkin’s experience and expertise enable us to find reasonable and creative solutions to new or complex noise and vibration problems. Measurement can only get you so far. Once data is acquired, we apply what we learn from the data towards finding reasonable solutions to noise and vibration problems. We have conducted projects ranging from large scale multi-year research projects to noise studies for small development projects and everything in between.

Our modeling capabilities include in-house and packaged software. Airborne noise modeling software capabilities include 3-dimensional modeling noise mapping with SoundPLAN, traffic noise modeling using the Federal Highway Administration’s (FHWA) Traffic Noise Model (TNM), and construction noise modeling using FHWA’s Construction Noise Model (RCNM). For interior architectural design, modeling is conducted using CATT Acoustics. In-house spreadsheets and LabView based software are utilized for project in more emerging fields, such as underwater and tire/pavement noise analysis and monitoring.

Available Services

  • Application of our experience and expertise
  • Exterior noise modeling with SoundPLAN
  • Interior acoustical modeling with CATT Acoustics
  • Highway noise modeling with TNM 2.5
  • Construction noise modeling with RCNM
  • Air quality modeling with research and special purpose modeling
  • Underwater and tire/pavement noise with in-house software