Mrs. Divine started with Illingworth & Rodkin, Inc. in 2013. As an environmental consultant with expertise in air quality and greenhouse gases (GHGs), Mrs. Divine’s duties include calculating emissions (ozone precursor, fine particulate matter, diesel particulate matter, and GHGs), conducting dispersion modeling, and assessing health risk impacts. Mrs. Divine is quite knowledgeable in several models used for air quality assessments, including EMFAC, CT-EMFAC, CalEEMod, AERMOD, ISCST3, and HARP. Over the years, she has authored and reviewed numerous air quality and GHG technical assessments for CEQA and NEPA environmental development and planning type projects. These assessments include construction and operational criteria pollutant emissions estimates, construction and operational (traffic and stationary source) health risk assessments, and GHG calculations and plan conformity. Mrs. Divine is familiar with federal, State, and local air quality and GHG regulations and has developed effective working relationships with many planning and regulatory agencies, including air quality management districts.