
Richard B. Rodkin, P.E., Co-Founder (Retired)

Mr. Rodkin began his career as an acoustical consultant in 1973. Since that time, he has been responsible for a wide range of studies in environmental noise, architectural acoustics, and noise control engineering. He assisted staff of the California Energy Commission assessing noise impacts of power generation projects, a solar project, and a transmission line. A research study for Caltrans investigated long-distance diffraction and reflection of noise from sound walls. In another study, he measured underwater sound levels generated by pile driving in San Francisco Bay. Transportation noise and vibration studies include freeways and light-rail systems in the Bay Area and San Diego, and numerous road widening and improvement projects for cities and counties. Other environmental noise studies include port expansions in the Bay Area and Los Angeles; Clean Fuels projects at Bay Area refineries; aircraft noise; new and expanding mines and quarries; power plants and cogeneration projects; geothermal and on-shore oil fields; noise ordinance violations; commercial, institutional, housing and other miscellaneous development projects; Specific Plans, and Noise Elements of General Plans for local governments. He has acted as an expert witness in cases involving traffic noise, construction noise, and a murder case where audibility was an issue.

During his 42 years in practice, Mr. Rodkin worked continuously in the many aspects of acoustics related to the design of new buildings, the environment, and industry. Building designs included architectural acoustics, sound isolation, and the control of noise and vibration from mechanical equipment. Environmental projects included housing, industrial, office buildings, hospitals, university buildings, TV studios and teleconferencing facilities, churches, restaurants, an airport expansion, and hotels. Transportation noise and vibration studies included freeways, light rail and heavy rail trains, and local roadway improvements.

Mr. Rodkin has an MS degree in Acoustics from the University of California at Berkeley and a BS degree in Mechanical Engineering from the University of California at Davis. He is a registered Mechanical Engineer in California. Mr. Rodkin retired from practice in 2015.

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